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Inglês - Aula 8 - Pronomes interrogativos

Inglês 8

Pronomes Interrogativos.

Estes pronomes são freqüentemente usados para formação de perguntas e também podem ser usados na conexão de sentenças. Vejame aprendam a série de exemplos selecionados.

Ao ligarmos sentenças, podemos usar o who ou whom para pessoas, which para coisas e animais ou that para os dois. Neste caso, estas palavras funcionam como pronomes relativos. Os pronomes relativos podem ser omitidos mas seu sentido fica implícito na frase.

When & where costumam ser confundidos. Veja e aprenda a diferença.

O pronome how é especial. Ele pode aparecer sozinho:

Ou pode ser combinado com adjetivos, formando assim uma espécie de quantitativo, ou sejas, uma pergunta referente à quantidade relacionada ao sentido daquele adjetivo usado.
Vejam como isso ocorre nos exemplos seguintes :

Assinale a alternativa correta.

1)   You look as if you’ve had a bad day.             happened ?

a)   What                d) How long
b)   How                 e) Whom
c)   Where

2)                   going to a movie tomorrow ?

a)   How long                   d) When
b)   What about                c) How large
c)   Where

3)                   for this wallet ?

a)   How many did you pay
b)   How long did you pay
c)   How far did you pay
d)   How much did you pay
e)   How wide did you pay

4)   Is there a reason             you must work on Sundays?

a)   when        d) who
b)   whom       e) what
c)   why

5)   The car              you bought, belonged to my brother.

a)   which                d) whose
b)   whom               e) who’s
c)   who

6)   Do you remember the moment             we met ?

a)   when        d) whose
b)   where       e) who
c)   why

7)   Queen Elizabeth I was a woman               life was very interesting.

a)   whom               d) why
b)   who                  e) whose
c)   why

8)   Do you know              it takes to travel to Argentina by car ?

a)   how long           d) how old
b)   how high           e) how far
c)   how many


Assinale a alternativa correta.
9)   You look as if you’ve had a bad day.             happened ?

a)   What                d) How long
b)   How                 e) Whom
c)   Where

10)                              going to a movie tomorrow ?

a)   How long                   d) When
b)   What about                c) How large
c)   Where

11)                              for this wallet ?

a)   How many did you pay
b)   How long did you pay
c)   How far did you pay
d)   How much did you pay
e)   How wide did you pay

12)              Is there a reason             you must work on Sundays?

a)   when        d) who
b)   whom       e) what
c)   why

13)              The car              you bought, belonged to my brother.

a)   which                d) whose
b)   whom               e) who’s
c)   who

14)              Do you remember the moment             we met ?

a)   when        d) whose
b)   where       e) who
c)   why

15)              Queen Elizabeth I was a woman               life was very interesting.

a)   whom               d) why
b)   who                  e) whose
c)   why

16)              Do you know           it takes to travel to Argentina by car ?

a)   how long           d) how old
b)   how high           e) how far

c)   how many

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